Historical Places of Mashhad

Historical Places of Mashhad

The magnificent city of Mashhad, in addition to the pilgrimage, has several places inside your trip, some of which we



Imamzadeh (son of Imam) Seyyed Mohammad (adobe dome)


The historical religious monument called adobe dome is located in an old passage in Mashhad in a street coming from Tabarsi square called Cheharsough Noghan. This monument is the tomb of Soltan Ghias al-Din Mohammad a famous Mousavi Seyyed in Mashhad with its holly progeny descending to Imam Mousa Ibn-Jafar after 17 mediates. The stone of his tomb reads: "Morteza, A''''''''zam Soltan al-Noghaba, Ghias al-Donya Valedayn, Amirsoltan Mohammad bin sultan al-Noghaba, Badr al-Maleh Valedayn Taher", and in the following his death date in month of Ramadan in 832 AH.

In addition to pilgrimage, the large and beautiful city of Mashhad has multiple places within itself, some of which were already mentioned.




The tomb of Abolghasem Ferdowsi


The tomb of Abolghasem Ferdowsi is located within a nice garden, at a distance of 20km in the north of Mashhad. The present building of the tomb is inspired by the Achaemenid architecture style, especially Kourosh tomb. The outer faced of the monument includes decorative elements of Achaemenid especially the columns and columns tops and poems written on the four sides of Ferdowsi indicate his thoughts and personality. The upper part of the monument is hollow and its inner space in addition to getting inspired by the Ashkanid architecture includes 20 marble columns on the lower part and 8 columns on the upper part. In parts of the tomb there are some wall figures of Fereydoon Sedighi which illustrate scenes of Shahname narrations.





The museum of Naderi Tomb


The Naderi museum is formed in the main part of Nadershah Afshar tomb monument in two halls to introduce the historical works in that era. The outside landscape of the monument shows the statute of Nader Shah riding a horse along with a number of soldiers on the tall stone volume made by the famous Iranian sculptor, the late Abolhassan Sedighi.

Hall No. 1: this hall exhibits a variety of the weapons of the Afsharid period, paintings of Nader and war scenes, horse riding equipment such as horse caparison since Afsharid to Qajar era, some manuscripts of the Naderi conquering sentences and two swords belonging to Nader, on one of which the word "Al-Soltan Nader" is carved and on the other a verse of a poem is in gold blocker. This sword is gifted to him in Moghan dessert in 1148 SH on the crowing day on behalf of Iranian nation.

Hall No. 2: This hall was added to the complex in 1994, in which different types of coins, containers, and other donated objects from Safavid to the contemporary era are exhibited.



Pool and sauna

Pool and sauna


Pool and sauna

Pool and sauna








Roof garden

Roof garden


Roof garden

Roof garden


Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop


Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop


conference hall

conference hall

conference hall

conference hall

conference hall

conference hall

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